Confirmation Class 

April 27 - June 1

Sunday Evenings


CotAStudies Room

The public profession of faith in Jesus Christ by adult believers in the Anglican Church is liturgically expressed through Confirmation or Reception by a Bishop.

“In Confirmation, through the Bishop’s laying on of hands and prayer for daily increase in the Holy Spirit, God strengthens the believer for Christian life in the service of Christ and his kingdom. Grace is God’s gift, and we pray that he will pour out his Holy Spirit on those who have already been made his children by adoption and grace in Baptism.” (pg 174, 2019 BCP)

Course Description

This course prepares both adult and youth candidates to receive Confirmation by giving instruction in the basic foundations of the faith (Scripture, Creeds, Lord’s prayer, 10 Commandments, and Catechism). Catechumens will be formed through weekly meditations, lectures, discussion, and readings as they are prepared to go out as witnesses (Acts 1.8) of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Course Schedule

Week 1 (April 27) What is Confirmation?

Week 2 (May 4) The Word of the Lord (Old and New Testament)

Week 3 (May 11) We Believe… (Nicene Creed)

Week 4 (May 18) Lord, Teach Us to Pray (Lord’s Prayer)

Morning Retreat (May 31) Becoming Like Christ (10 Commandments) – 9a-12p

Confirmation (June 1)

Course Instructors

Fr Aaron White —
Micah McCoy —

Our Regional Bishop, David Bryan