Christian Education Classes
Sunday Mornings
Parish Hall
A miscellany of short talks by speakers and topics that come by invitation of the Dean. Personal witnesses, biblical teaching, reflections on Christian living, deepening your relationship with the Lord, sharing the hope within you, and loving in difficult times and situations are just a sampling of the types of offerings found in this class.
This Semester, most sessions feature Dean Speece, and are recorded here for those who are attending other classes
Apostles 201
Admin Wing Conference Room
Nathan White, Theologian in Residence
Join our Theologian in Residence, Nathan White, in the Conference Room as he explores the Celtic Roots of Anglicanism.
Christian Education Wing Room 105
Various Teachers
A more in-depth, sequential class on a biblical theme, book of the Bible, work of Christian literature, or relevant cultural topic.
"The Parables of Christ"
Fr Tom Garman will be teaching on the parables of Christ March 23 through the end of the semester.
Life Together
Christian Education Wing Room 103
Sarah and Will Peden, Amber & Larry Cook
A class for folks in their 30’s to 40’s—couples and singles. Warm and conversational, this class is designed for fellowship and relationship building, melded with exploring biblical essentials.