Our Service
What to Expect
Our worship keeps the twin gifts that constitute the Church—Word and Sacrament—front and center: we hear and respond to the Holy Scriptures, and we celebrate Holy Communion.
Please check our online calendar for service times as they can vary depending on the season and feast day.
Our liturgy conforms to the theology of the 1662 Book of Common Prayer as expressed in the ACNA’s newly published Book of Common Prayer.
When you come forward to receive Communion, extend your arms fully with your hands open, right over left. An intincted wafer will be placed on your palm. If you are not baptized, or you do not wish to receive Communion, simply cross your arms across your chest and you'll receive a blessing from the priest.
How to participate
Worship is not just the work of the clergy and the musicians, it is the work of the whole congregation. You’ll notice that our congregation is very active during worship. We sing, pray, speak aloud, sit, kneel, and stand. Don't feel intimidated. Between the instructions in your bulletin and the instructions given by the priest and other worship leaders, you shouldn’t have any problem following along.
When it comes time for Communion, we invite everyone to come forward. The ushers will help you find your place at the altar rail. Anyone who is a baptized Christian, living the life of faith Is welcome to receive Communion.
What you will hear
The music for the 8.30a Eucharist is more traditional: hymns from the Hymnal 1982 accompanied by our pipe organ. The music for the 11a Eucharist (and also on Sundays when we have one service) also incorporates modern worship music accompanied by a small band.
While our liturgy incorporates a wide range of musical styles, songs are always selected for the richness of their theology, the aesthetic of their music and poetry, and a prevailing emphasis on God. Song selection also reflects the scripture readings of the day, as well as the themes of the liturgical season.
What to wear
Although we don't have a dress code we do ask that you consider what is appropriate for worship.
for the kids
At our 11a service, nursery is available for infants and children up to 3 years old. Children may be checked in before the service, and may be picked up before Communion to join their families at the Altar (though parents are welcome to leave their children in the nursery during Communion, too). Children from 5 years through 2nd grade can attend Children's Church, which gathers at the Gospel reading, meets downstairs during the sermon, and returns during the Passing of the Peace. At our 8.30a service, Children’s Church meets the 1st and 3rd Sundays.
Christian Education
We aim to worship God not only with all our hearts, but with all our minds as well. Between our two morning services, we have several options for Christian Education available at 9.45a. These classes are intended to help us grow in the faith, and to connect the Gospel with our lives. Classes are offered for all ages: nursery, K-2nd, 3rd-5th, Jr. High girls, Jr. High guys, High School, and adults.