We want our church to be a place where you connect to the Good News that Jesus Christ—in his life, death, resurrection, and ascension—can make you truly free: free from neuroses, anxiety, alienation, and the many effects of sin that we all too often accept as a part of normal life.

We also want to be a place where you can connect with the body of Christ through the fellowship of the people here.

During this season of Covidtide, we have two primary ways to help you do that.

Get a Call from our Dean

Get a Call from our Dean

Chip Chat

Schedule a time to have our Dean, Fr Chip, give you a call. He would love to say hello, get to know you a bit, and answer any questions you may have.

Daily Devotionals

Daily Devotionals


BLT (Blessed Little Thought)

During Covidtide Dean Edgar sends a link to the Morning Prayer Liturgy and a devotional written by one of our clergy members daily. You’ll also get updates.