We want our church to be a place where you connect to the Good News that Jesus Christ—in his life, death, resurrection, and ascension—can make you truly free: free from neuroses, anxiety, alienation, and the many effects of sin that we all too often accept as a part of normal life.

We also want to be a place where you can connect with the body of Christ through the fellowship of the people here.

We have two primary ways to help you do that.

Apostles 101

Apostles 101

"Apostles 101"

Our clergy outline what makes us unique: the sacraments, liturgy and history. They address basic theological issues with the help of Simply Christian, by Bishop NT Wright, and finally, help you identify and use your spiritual gifts in the context of the church body.

Newcomer's Brunch

Newcomer's Brunch


Newcomer's Brunch

Dean Chip Edgar and his wife Beth regularly host a brunch in their home for those newly visiting our parish. Here you will also be introduced to other members of our parish clergy and staff, as well as have a chance to meet other new folks like you.


Enter your email address below to receive an invitation to join us for our next Brunch or Inquires' Class.