Connected Families

parent coaching

We had a wonderful Discipleship Weekend featuring Julia Rupp, who came February 7-8 to share with us the Connected Families framework.

Julia is available for free parent coaching for CotASaints.

To sign up for sessions with Julia, click below and scroll down to find the "Schedule a Session with Julia" link after her bio.



One Eucharist Service &
Vestry Elections

FEBRUARY 9, 2025

9a Potluck Breakfast Fellowship
10a Holy Eucharist
(one service)
11.45a Annual Meeting

The Vestry is the elected lay-leadership body for parish.
It is made up of nine members, each serving a three-year term.

Only Voting Members (those who have signed a Membership Covenant) are allowed to vote. There is no absentee balloting. We will be voting for three (3) new Vestry members.


Our Nominees


Sarah Burnett

Will Peden


Sara Fawcett


Amy Kennedy


Holly Pope


Christian Education Classes

Sunday Mornings



Parish Hall

A miscellany of short talks by speakers and topics that come by invitation of the Dean. Personal witnesses, biblical teaching, reflections on Christian living, deepening your relationship with the Lord, sharing the hope within you, and loving in difficult times and situations are just a sampling of the types of offerings found in this class.

This Semester, most sessions feature Dean Speece, and are recorded here for those who are attending other classes

Apostles 201

Admin Wing Conference Room
Nathan White, Theologian in Residence

Join our Theologian in Residence, Nathan White, in the Conference Room as he explores the Celtic Roots of Anglicanism.


Christian Education Wing Room 105
Various Teachers

A more in-depth, sequential class on a biblical theme, book of the Bible, work of Christian literature, or relevant cultural topic.

"Using Holy Scripture to Inform Personal Prayer"

Join Dr John Crutchfield looking at selected psalms, the Lord's Prayer, and some prayers of Paul with a view to being challenged to deeper intimacy with our Lord in prayer.

Life Together

Christian Education Wing Room 103
Sarah and Will Peden, Amber & Larry Cook

A class for folks in their 30’s to 40’s—couples and singles. Warm and conversational, this class is designed for fellowship and relationship building, melded with exploring biblical essentials.

CotA Talks with Dean Speece


Sunday, Sept 15 :: Fr Eric discusses several facets of the theology of worship.

Sunday, Sept 22 :: Fr Eric presses a little deeper into our understanding or worship, particularly as it relates to experiencing God’s presence.

Sunday, Oct 6 :: Fr Eric shares some of his thoughts on prayer.

Sunday, Oct 13 :: Fr Eric shares about his personal journey to Anglicanism.

Sunday, Nov 24 :: Fr Eric talks about “the dark night of the soul.”

Sunday, Jan 19 :: Fr Eric invites former and founding Rector, Chip Edgar, to visit.


Dean Speece will periodically do an “ask-the-pastor-anything” type of talk. If you have a topic or a question that you would like for him to speak on, send your suggestions to his email:


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december 8

Choral Evensong is a service of scripture, prayer, and music. It has been sung regularly in the Anglican church since the sixteenth century.

The word “Evensong” is a term first used in the 1549 Book of Common Prayer. It refers to the service of Evening Prayer. (Even a completely spoken service of Evening Prayer might be called “Evensong.”) Evening Prayer, a worship service devised by Thomas Cranmer for the 1549 Book of Common Prayer, brings together many elements of the older monastic offices of Vespers and Compline, particularly their respective canticles the Magnificat (Luke 1) and the Nunc dimittis (Luke 2).

Choral Evensong is Evening Prayer where the entire service is prepared by the Choir, while the People (the congregation) may join in saying and singing parts of the service.

We invite you to meditatively listen as the choir sings the service. You may follow the words of the various chants and songs in the bulletin. If you feel so led, you are welcome to join in the call and response chants. The tunes for these chants, called “Service music” (denoted with a ‘S’), are in the blue hymnal in the pew rack and are found in the front of the hymnal.