(the Revd Canon) Tom Garman

Canon Missioner

803.256.0545 x 6

Fr Tom has a remarkably broad set of talents, interests and experiences that include degrees in Graphic Arts and Photography, training in homiletics and hermeneutics from New Tribes Bible Institute, a BA in Bible and Theology from Columbia International University, and a Master Level in leaded stained glass, which he also taught at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee and Milwaukee Technical college. He has been teaching the Bible in various settings to Youth, College and Adults throughout the past 30+ years while continuing to work in blacksmithing, mechanics, farming, beekeeping, and construction. His interests have led him to book collecting, violin repair, leather craftsmanship, but his first and truest love of pastoral ministry ultimately led him to being ordained as a Priest in February 2010. Fr Tom works with Adult Education serves as our Canon Missioner, working with homeless people all around the downtown area.